Different types of physical therapy – Which one is right for you?

Different types of physical therapy – Which one is right for you?


You’ve found the right place if you need Physical Therapy in Raleigh NC. There are many kinds of physical therapy available, including neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation. Continue reading to find out more about Raleigh’s different types of physical therapy. The types of physical therapy include pediatric cardiopulmonary and neurological rehabilitation. Here are some tips to help you choose a physical therapist. Visit our website to learn more. We hope this information will help you find a physical therapy center that is right for you.

Neurological physical therapy

Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, a peer-reviewed medical journal, focuses on research in the field of physical therapy. Published in the UK, this journal is published monthly and covers topics in the field of physical therapy. Visit the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy website for more information. Our library contains the most recent research in physical therapy. Below is a list of journals that you can view for free.

Neurological physical therapy aims to improve movement, balance, and reduce the chance of falling. For those with neurological conditions, it is important to learn how to be active and safe to improve their quality life. Fortunately, many outpatient neurological physical therapy programs are designed to address specific problems. Patients can get back to more physical activity, balance and quality of life. These are just a few of the many benefits that neurological physical therapy can bring to patients.

Physical therapy for the heart and lungs

Often referred to as “cardiopulmonary rehabilitation,” this type of physical therapy helps improve the health of the heart and lungs. Cardiopulmonary rehab is for patients who have recently had heart surgery or suffer from other cardiac issues. The goal of cardiopulmonary rehab is to improve overall cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of another cardiac episode. Patients are encouraged to engage in a comprehensive exercise program to strengthen their hearts and lungs. Cardiopulmonary rehab is highly beneficial for recovering from a heart attack or other type of cardiac event. It also improves mobility and strength throughout the entire body.

Pediatric physical therapy

A pediatric physical therapist may be a good option if your child is not performing as well as his peers. Many children are unable to use their physical skills due to an underlying condition. Your pediatric therapist can help your child develop the motor skills necessary for normal growth and development. Children who are slower than their peers might have difficulty learning to run or walk, or may have trouble focusing and sitting still. A pediatric physical therapist can help them overcome these challenges and gain independence.

Pediatric physical therapists are highly trained in the treatment of children’s disorders. They specialize in treating balance and coordination disorders, strength and endurance, neurological function, and neuromuscular disorders. In addition to diagnosing the cause of a child’s disability, pediatric physical therapists also provide education for parents and use assistive technology to help their patients with their physical needs.